People buy from people like them…

Researcher Robert Cialdini identified ‘Six Weapons of Influence,’ and detailed them in his book Influence, Science and Practice. One of these principles was ‘Liking’. He points out that people prefer to buy from people that they like.

As a general rule we tend to like people who appear to have similar tastes, personality traits, background or lifestyle. This is most noticeable in teenagers who split up into ‘tribes’ according to the music they like, the sports they play or the hobbies they have.

Some people might not care for my approach to creating success; “Not structured enough” or “Too structured”. However, others will believe that we are ‘kindred spirits’ and really want to work with me.

The more I focus my message to my ‘niche’ market, the more other people may criticise me. It is not that I want criticism; it is just if I am not being criticised then I am not getting my message out.

If 60% of people criticise my message and I have talked to ten people, then that leaves four potential clients. If I get criticised by sixty people then I may have forty potential clients.

What can you share with your extended community (potential customers or clients) that will create an interest in you?

To give you an insight into my taste here is a link to my favourite guitarists (since 1986), along with a guitarist born in 1985. This has been my “feel good break” for the last three days. I hope you enjoy it: Orianthi Panagaris – Highly Strung (featuring Steve Vai)

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